Welcome back to the per service podcast, we started this podcast as a place to talk about what life as a freelance musician is really like.
In today's episode, we're talking with our very own Jessica Wiersma, and Anna Luce who are living life on the road, playing 8 shows a week of the smash hit: Hamilton.
One of the big themes that comes up often in our discussion is the unpredictability of local hires. This is when the tour stops in a city and hires local string players to play instead of the touring string players. This was an aspect that I hadn't really thought about much, and turns out it has a big impact on the vibe of the show, both musically and interpersonally.
We also discuss some practical advice about working with touring musicians should you have the opportunity to play as a local musician, and how to get into the scene if you're interested in pursuing touring gigs.
Thanks to http://www.ficksmusic.com
and http://www.fiddlershop.com
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